mtf N: writes MTF N value to file
mtff F: writes MTF level for frequency F to file
mtfall, lsfall, esfall: writes MTF, LSF or ESF curves in text form.
r, g, b, y: write only certain channel.
quickmtf mtf N image_file [channel] l t r b text_file
quickmtf mtff F image_file [channel] l t r b text_file
quickmtf mtfall image_file l t r b text_file
quickmtf lsfall image_file l t r b text_file
quickmtf esfall image_file l t r b text_file
where l t r b - left, top, right and bottom coordinates of ROI, N - contrast level.
optional channel can be r, g, b, y.
command quickmtf mtf 10 file_being_tested.jpg 10 30 170 195 data.txt
will add something like
File file_being_tested.jpg(ROI = [10 30 170 195]): Orientation: hor;
Angle: 5.911; MTF10(r,g,b,y) = (0.700, 0.700, 0.712, 0.700)
in the end of file data.txt. If ROI is not valid it will add appropriate error message.