Information and navigation panel


Image Navigator

Navigator – a thumbnail display to quickly change the field of view of your image

A – Zoom slider, drag it to change magnification
B – Thumbnail display of current image
C – Proxy preview area, drag it to move the view of an image

Region of interest with slanted-edge

ROI(Region of interest) with slanted-edge

ROI 158x291 (26%)” means - ROI size 158x291 and 26% of the distance to the corner.

Accuracy 100%(5.71 degs) means 100% scanned lines of the ROI processed successfully and edge angle equals approximately 5.71 degrees.

Most important measurements:
  CA (chromatic aberration)
  MTF50 (50% contrast spatial frequency)
  10-90% rise distance

Most important image quality measurements - CA(chromatic aberration), MTF50(50% contrast spatial frequency) and 10-90% rise distance

CA=0.54pix(0.03%PH, 0.13%fc) means the area chromatic aberration equals 0.54 pixels, 0.03% per image height and 0.13% of the distance from image centre

MTF50: 0.320 c/p (1244.2 LPH) means 50% contrast spatial frequency equals 0.320 cycles per pixel or 1244.2 lines per image height

10-90% rise: 1.21 pix (1600.3 PH) means 10-90% (of maximum energy) rise distance equals 1.21 pixels or 1600.3 rises per image height

Spatial frequency by contrast

Spatial frequency by user defined MTF level (contrast)

MTF47: 0.325 c/p (1263.6 LPH) means 47% contrast spatial frequency equals 0.320 cycles per pixel or 1244.2 lines per image height. Drag the slider to define contrast

Rise distance by rise range

Rise distance by user defined range

13-87% rise: 1.10 pix (1760.7 PH) means 13-87% rise distance equals 1.10 pixels or 1760.7 rises per image height. Drag the slider to define interested range

MTF level by spatial frequency

MTF level by user defined spatial frequency

MTF28 at 0.36 c/p means spatial frequency 0.36 cycles per pixel corresponds to 28% contrast

Noise measurements

Noise measurements

Dsh(45.1) = 1.22(max 6.8) means dispersion of high-frequency noise in shadows equals 1.22, average signal level equals 45.1. Maximum quadratic deviation equals 6.8

Dhi(189.1) = 1.30(max 8.0) means dispersion of high-frequency noise in highlights equals 1.30, average signal level equals 189.1. Maximum quadratic deviation equals 8.0

Channel - R, G, B or Y

Current channel - R, G, B or Y(luminance)

Channel selection radio buttons. Current channel can be R, G, B or Y(luminance)

Gamma setting area

Gamma setting area

To change the gamma, type a value in the edit box and press the Set button

Selected EXIF data

Selected EXIF data: Make, Model, Focal length, Exposure, F-number and ISO speed

Selected EXIF data: Make, Model, Focal length, F-number and ISO speed